Do you suffer from Bloating? I can confidently say bloating is one of the top 3 symptoms my patients will present with in clinic. It is extremely uncomfortable to experience and can often leave you feeling agitated, frustrated and in pain. There are many options available to help reduce bloating naturally.

Bloating isn’t normal – You don’t have to put up with it!

There are many reasons why bloating can occur. These include digestive issues such as food allergies/intolerances, IBS, leaky gut or parasitic infections, stress and anxiety, hormonal imbalances (bloating is a common PMS symptom), or it could be highlighting a deeper issue such as an underlying health condition or disease.

5 Tips to Reduce Bloating Naturally


1. Remove Gluten & Dairy

Gluten and dairy can cause bloating if your body reacts to them (also known as a food allergy or intolerance). Try eliminating them from the diet for 2 weeks to see if symptoms improve. If you are concerned about food intolerances or allergies, a Naturopath or GP can provide you with tests to help identify specific foods.


2. Chew Your Food

The mouth is the first phase of digestion. Saliva contains special enzymes that start the break down of carbohydrates and fats. Chewing food well ensures the saliva is mixed through the food thoroughly and prepares it for the next phase of digestion (in the stomach). Rushing through a meal will most likely result in bloating and discomfort – have you ever experienced this?


3. Fennel Tea

This is a simple kitchen remedy for bloating. Fennel seeds are extremely useful in reducing intestinal cramps, bloating and gas. They contain powerful essential oils that provide carminative and antispasmodic actions in the digestive tract. Gently crush 1 tablespoon of fennel seeds and steep in boiling water for 10 minutes. It’s important to cover the liquid whilst steeping (eg. teapot) to prevent the essential oils from escaping.


4. Exercise Reduces Bloating

Do you experience bloating when your sitting at a desk all day? You may benefit from a brisk afternoon walk. Exercise naturally stimulates movement in the digestive tract – basically it gets things moving along! Yoga and walking are my two favorite exercises to help relieve bloating. Get outside and go for an afternoon walk or light jog for 15 minutes; you will be surprised how good you feel J


5. Add in the Good Stuff

Probiotics can reduce bloating through encouraging a healthy balance of gut flora. Stress, poor diet and medication can all affect the delicate balance of microflora – too much of the bad stuff aggravates digestion, causing bloating and other digestive issues. There are specific strains of bacteria found in probiotics. Certain strains are better than others when it comes to digestive symptoms, depending on what’s driving the bloating. See your Health Practitioner to help find out which probiotic will be best suited for you.


With Love,

Suzie x